
Dec 07, 2010, 09:07AM

Young Conservatives Strike Back Online

Contending that liberals dominate social media, a group called Young Conservative Muchachos has its own answer.

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More than two decades after the invention of the web, conservatives still have no control over new media. Liberals continue to dominate this medium, constantly publishing new campaigns that mask any attempt of movement from the Right.

But what’s preventing the Right from getting any traction? Most point to age as main factor, seeing that social media is dominated by young and tech savvy men who are predominantly Democrats. The group I belong to fits the male demographic (all but one), but we’re surely not liberal. We’re sick of it. The Left has controlled new media for too long. It’s time for conservatives to find their way on to this platform, and stand up for the values they believe. That’s where we come in.

We call ourselves The Young Conservative Muchachos. It’s pretty self-explanatory. We’re young, conservative, and men (as stated above, we do have a lady who resides in our gang). Our goal? To bring conservative values to new media by utilizing a platform that the liberals have controlled for years: social media.

Liberals, conservatives, and everyone in-between have had one question on their mind for the past year or so: What the heck has Obama done so far? A group of young liberals decided to tackle the question with a clever website that gave America an answer.

They called it WTFHasObamaDoneSoFar, and within just days of its creation, the Left took the platform that they dominated by storm: social media. Their site crawled to the top of Digg.com, which prompted news networks throughout the web to publish content about their answer to America’s big question.

Professional lefty Michael Moore gave his blessing to the site on MSNBC, which subsequently led the website to the website developer’s interview on national television. The campaign only furthered our notion that the Left controls social media. We decided to start something ourselves.

Our first project was to create a parody to the liberal’s current viral campaign. It was called WhatTheHeckHaveConservativesDoneSoFar. Simply put, we wanted to show off what true accomplishments were. Such as producing 92 months straight of economic growth by reducing taxes, while ruining the best health care system in the world is not.

Our goal is to share our conservative values with the world through social media. For us to tackle that task, the reach has to be much broader. Note that we’re receiving no monetary benefit from the website. Social media is the only means of gaining traction, so it’s necessary for conservatives to share it with everyone and anyone.

We’re not stopping with this campaign. The overall goal is to bring conservative values to new media, and we know that one viral website isn’t going to change it all.

While we welcome the help of other Internet marketers who share the same values as us, the true key to success is conservatives sharing our campaigns with friends, family, and colleagues through social media. This is the only way we can see a lasting effect on the way conservatives impact new media.

  • "This is the only way we can see a lasting effect on the way conservatives impact new media." Meaning you simply re-posts blog items from Heritage? Brilliant. The Internet is yours for the taking.

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  • Yes, yes, talking points are great... http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2009/9/26/128984700315411217.jpg

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  • R U kidding??? Sarah Palin and Facebook is not a conservative dominating social media? Bristol Palin coming in 3rd on DWTS, is not conservatives driving social media? Any country awards show with public voting is not conservatives driving social media? The last two years has been all about consevatives driving and at times dominating social media. James O'keefe and Breitbart??? Conservatives may not be good at the style of programming but they certainly have not taken a back seat in social media for some time. How else can you explain Glen Beck? P.S. The picture lede of the article proves my bad at optics theory. Just the color scheme screams ASSHOLES

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